Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Goal For Learning How to Properly Speak Japanese!

I thought that it might be good to set a goal for the year in terms of learning and studying Japanese. I've already compiled all of the vocab we've learned into Quizlet flashcards and I will continue to do so throughout the year. When I review the flashcards I will repeat each word out loud not just read them in my head in order to remember how they sound. I want to also figure out which words I have a difficult time pronouncing for me to bring up at office hours or in class.
I will go to office hours at least once a month and I will go to the Japanese table every week. I am also interested in going to the Japanese table at Forbes once a week. While at the Japanese

I will start to re-watch my favorite Japanese films starting with よじんぼ and move on to more modern films. I will try to pay attention to the phrases and vocabulary they use in all of them as I am also interested in the way the Japanese language has changed over the years. I also want to try to get into anime. I have not seen many, but it might be a good idea to re-watch the ones I've already seen ("Fullmetal Alchemist", "Steins Gate", "Cowboy Bebop") as they will be familiar to me and it might be easier to pick up on the way the voice actors talk.
For everything I watch, I will try to copy their pronunciation as well as remember the pitch they use and the context that they use it in.

In terms of daily study, I hope to be able to work on Japanese vocab and/or pronunciation for at least an hour and a half per day.

Thats all for now!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Japanese Film Post #1

こちらはくろさわあきらです。くろさわさんは日本人です。えいががとてもいいです。そして、わたしのいちばんすきなえいがはくろさわのえいがです。このえいがのなまえは"Seven Samurai"です。



Thursday, September 17, 2015

Post #1: Starting Japanese 101

Hi there! My name is Sam Schultz and I'm from New York City.

Ever since I was little my dad would show my two older brothers and me the Japanese films that he loved, from Akira Kurosawa to Takashi Miike. My oldest brother ended up studying East Asian Civilization and Languages at U Chicago and convinced me to start learning Japanese. I want to be able to watch the Japanese films I love such as "用心棒 (Yojimbo)", "椿三十郎 (Sanjuro)", "七人の侍 (Seven Samurai)", and "東京物語 (Tokyo Story)" in Japanese without the use of subtitles.

I'm extremely excited to start learning vocabulary to help me with comprehension. I am also excited to start conversing with others in Japanese. From these first lessons I can see that Japanese language is deeply linked to the history and culture of Japan which I am very interested in.

Something that I am worried about is learning kanji. The stroke order/ style of it seems far more intense than the hiragana and katakana.

I wish everyone a happy new year at Princeton!がんばって!