Friday, May 6, 2016

End of the Year Reflection!

This year was really amazing. I learned so much about Japanese language, culture, and history throughout the course, and looking back on a time when I didn't know any Japanese, this is amazing thing.
I accomplished a lot of goals I had for the end of the semester. I started going to Japanese table and office hours again which really helped boost my speaking proficiency. I also started watching more shows and attempted to read more in Japanese in order to improve my reading, listening, and writing comprehension. All in all, this has been a great experience. 
Looking on to the future, I can't wait to expand upon my Japanese knowledge. I want to be able to read well in Japanese, so I'm going to try to study vocabulary and Kanji throughout the summer. Hopefully it will be a great and productive summer!

Sunday, May 1, 2016


ぼくの一番好きなほんのタイトルは ”きんかくじ”です。”きんかくじ”はみしまゆきおの本です。Yukio Mishima.jpg
こちらはみしまさん。”きんかくじ”はとてもおもしろくていいです。本の中できんかくじです。きんかくじはてらです。Kinkaku-ji the Golden Temple in Kyoto overlooking the lake - high rez.JPGとてもきれいですよ!みしまさんはとてもゆめいな人でした。でも、みしまさんの本はもんだいさく(controversial)です。みしまさんの本はとてもゆめいですけどみしまさんはかなしいです。みしまさんはこくすいしゅぎしゃ(ultra nationalist)ですからみかど(emperor)が大好きでした。でも、日本のせいふ(government)はきらいでした。とてもおもしろい人です。
